The Functional Medicine Approach to COVID-19: Nutrition and Lifestyle Practices for Strengthening Host Defense.

Integrative medicine (Encinitas, Calif.). 2020;19(Suppl 1):54-62
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Plain language summary

Lifestyle interventions can be an effective means to help patients regain their locus of control during times of uncertainty like those experienced in a pandemic. The study is a review about emerging research focusing on nutrition and lifestyle practices for strengthening host defense. Research indicates that there are three mechanisms that may be involved in the ability of food-derived compounds to reduce viral infection and severity: a. balancing inflammatory pathways, b. reducing oxidative stress and increasing antioxidant levels, and c. harmonizing the gut microbiome. Clinical recommendations focus mainly on nutrition, stress reduction/management, sleep quality and quantity, physical activity programme and social factors/connections. Authors conclude by emphasising that the findings of this study are only intended to identify lifestyle practices that may boost the immune system as they have not been proven effective against COVID-19.


The developing symptoms of COVID-19, as well as the progression of illness and fatality, are a clearly a function of the overall health status of the individual. Complex, chronic diseases such as obesity, hypertension, and diabetes are directly correlated with risk of disease severity and mortality. We explore lifestyle interventions that have specifically been demonstrated to strengthen host defense, reduce the probability and mitigate the severity of viral infection. Lifestyle interventions, from a Functional Medicine perspective, include nutrition, sleep, exercise, stress reduction, and connection. These factors, when in balance, provide a foundation for optimal health and immune function.

Lifestyle medicine

Fundamental Clinical Imbalances : Immune and inflammation
Patient Centred Factors : Triggers/Lifestyle interventions
Environmental Inputs : Diet ; Physical exercise ; Mind and spirit
Personal Lifestyle Factors : Nutrition ; Sleep and relaxation
Functional Laboratory Testing : Not applicable

Methodological quality

Jadad score : Not applicable
Allocation concealment : Not applicable
Publication Type : Journal Article ; Review
